Cheap Makita AN610H 2-1/2 Inch High Pressure Siding Coil Nailer
Includes 2-1/2-in High Pressure Siding Nailer - AN610H, No-Mar Tip - 421574-2, Safety Goggles - 191687-A, Oil Supply - 194381-3, Tool Case - 824490-1 Innovative high pressure technology enables the nailer to operate at 320 PSI for more consistent flush nailing. Superior power-to-weight ratio: up to 30% less weight and up to 30% smaller than conventional siding nailers. "Tool-less" depth adjustments engineered for more precise flush and countersink nailing. Two-mode selector switch allows operator to select sequential or contact nailing options. Multi-directional exhaust port directs exhaust air away from operator.
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